[custom_headline type=”left” level=”h1″ looks_like=”h2″]POLARIS[/custom_headline][text_output]

Perform stamping and bending experiments


[text_output]Today’s stamping tests are done on huge machines that cannot provide any more insight than the final outcome of the test. The evolution of the microstructure between the initial and final state cannot be observed and remains until now a “black box”.

MicroMecha intends to make possible the in situ observation of this test in order to better understand material behaviour and micro-structural events during the forming process (plasticity, nucleation of voids, cracks, …).[/text_output]

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[text_output]Polaris is a novel and innovative miniaturized mechanical testing device, destined to perform stamping and bending experiments. The originality of this machine comes to its ability to fit inside scanning electron microscopes (SEM). This opens a new range of applications capable of analysing in situ the microstructure of materials directly while they are being deformed. Not only will POLARIS allow you to to understand the core behaviour of materials in an unprecedented way, but it will also enable you to tackle some critical industrial, economic and environmental issues:

  • Reducing the weight of structures by using thinner and lighter developed materials with similar mechanical properties. The main benefit of a better understanding of materials during deformation is the positive impact on the design security factor used in the calculation of any structure. They are often overestimated and could be reduced without any loss of performance or safety. This is particularly true in the automotive and aerospace industry, with the replacement of steel by aluminium grades or composites, where weight reduction leads to less fuel consumption.
  • Cost and delay reduction by decreasing the time between the development and manufacturing phase. Material testing is often based on the trial and error method, which is costly and time-consuming. By doing the same test inside a scanning electron microscope (SEM), you will obtain more information and thus reduces the total number of tests required.
  • Environmental protection by consuming less energy, producing less waste materials and improving service life. Material resources are slowly becoming one of the main issues we have to face today. By using our new testing device, we will be able to analyse and re-use materials, thus having a positive impact on the overall consumption of materials.




  • Different clamping systems for circular and rectangular testing samples
  • Working with reduced working distance
  • Direct observation of the deformed samples
  • Generating complex vertical stresses for stamping and bending applications
  • Compatible with different working environments (SEM, X-ray diffraction, synchrotron radiation, etc.)
  • Excellent precision on the displacement (accuracy of 20 nm) and force measurements (linearity and hysteresis below 0.25% of the full scale).
  • Mechanical and electronical security allow to protect the user and the micromachine from any damages, as well as the complete automatisation of the ongoing tests.
  • The software has been developed based on today’s requirement in research and development. The major tests, as tensile, compression and bending, can be performed with the same machine.



Technical Features

Tests Stamping, Vertical Bending
Force capacity 8.5 kN
Dimensions 235 x 220 x 60 mm
Weight 3.2 kg
Crosshead travel 15 mm
Max. speed test 50 µm/s
Min. speed test 0.1 µm/s
Displacement sensor Resolution of +/- 20nm
Force sensor Linearity < +/- 0.2 of F.S.
Hysteresis < +/- 0.2 of F.S.
EBSD compatibility No


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